By David J. Kent
Washington, D.C.
Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Abraham Lincoln Institute (ALI) is offering dissertation research grants to students studying Lincoln-related topics. They don't have to be just about Lincoln himself as long as they are issues in which the Lincoln administration was involved. These include political history, military history, diplomatic history, social history, economic history, and the history of emancipation. The deadline is October 1, 2024. These are for ongoing research, not for completed dissertations.
The grant for 2024 is now funded at $1000.00, twice the amount awarded in previous years.
Applicants must be full-time Ph.D. candidates in good standing at accredited institutions. They should submit a three- to five-page letter describing the project, a curriculum vitae, a proposed budget, and a letter of support from a member of the dissertation committee.
The Lincoln Group of DC has long supported ALI’s Annual Symposium at Ford’s Theatre, and we are all in favor of supporting the study of Lincoln. The goal is to encourage students while they are doing research. This is in addition to the Institute's continuing prizes for already-completed dissertations for new PhDs and book prizes for published books.
Time is short, the deadline for applications is October 1, 2024.
Applications should be sent to the ALI grant committee: Joan E. Cashin (Committee Chair), Michelle Krowl, Diana Schaub, and Scott Sandage. More information is available on the ALI website.
This scholarship grant is in addition to the other awards given by ALI each year. See their website for more info:
Final planning is also underway for the 2024 Annual Symposium expected to return to Ford's Theatre on March 22, 2024. Watch the ALI website for more detail.