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Don't Miss LGDC Photo Day at the Lincoln Forum

By David J. Kent

Washington, D.C.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

The 2021 Lincoln Group photo

It's almost time for the Lincoln Forum symposium in Gettysburg, which means it's almost time for the Lincoln Group of DC (aka, LGDC) group photo. Be sure to be there.

Last year was the first in-person Lincoln Forum meeting since the onset of the COVID pandemic and the Lincoln Group was out in force. We had an impromptu group photo taken after one of the nighttime sessions, with a baker's dozen members gathering. Afterwards we discovered perhaps as many as a dozen more who missed the photo because we hadn't announced it in advance. This year, we're doing just that.

Join us immediately after the Thursday evening, November 17th dinner and events for our official 2022 Lincoln Group Photo. Like last year, we'll gather in the registration area in front of the famous George Healy painting, "The Peacemakers," featuring Lincoln along with Generals Grant and Sherman, and Admiral Porter.

The Lincoln Forum symposium promises to be an exciting event this year. There will be great speakers, including a couple of famous ones, and thought-provoking panels. Several Lincoln Group of DC members will have prominent roles, including President David J. Kent, who just before our photo event will give a recap of the Lincoln Memorial Centennial event we organized with the National Park Service (and co-sponsored by the Lincoln Forum) in May 2022. David will also have a breakout session on Friday with the legendary Ed Steers discussing Lincoln and Science and Technology. Michelle Krowl will be moderating a session, as will Edna Greene Medford. There may even be a few other surprises, so don't miss it.

Don't forget to join your fellow Lincoln Group of DC members for the group photo immediately after the evening festivities on Thursday, November 17th!

See you there!


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