By David J. Kent
Friday, January 17, 2025
Washington, DC

Got memories?
Specifically, got memories of the Lincoln Group of DC?
The Lincoln Group of DC has been in existence since 1935. For those of you who are good at math, that makes 2025 the 90th anniversary of LGDC. And we plan to celebrate.
All this year we will feature short recollections of Lincoln Group history from the archives, beginning with our program on January 21. Before our speaker, Jeffrey Boutwell, hits the virtual stage, I will roll out one of those memories. [Don't worry, we'll still have John O'Brien's recounting of "What was Lincoln doing today in history" each event as well.] I'll be digging through the LGDC archives to find interesting tidbits from our past to present. There will be one for January, another for our February in-person Lincoln Birthday event, and continuing for the entirety of 2025.
This is where you come in, especially if you are one of the past Lincoln Group of DC's presidents or you have been a member for longer than you can recall. The key is to dig up those fond memories that show the greatness of LGDC (and, of course, the greatness of Abraham Lincoln). We want to capture the big events, the surprises, the famous members and speakers, and the breadth of the Lincoln Group's influence over the last nine decades.
Ideally, you can help provide photographs or videos or audio recordings of the event. For example, a couple of years ago I posted an article here on the about the time Edward R. Murrow was the featured speaker at the Lincoln Group's birthday banquet held in the historic Willard Hotel. Carl Sandburg was even on the LGDC program committee.
I don't want to give too much away, and to be honest, we're still digging through the files, but any insights, memories, or pointed directions are much appreciated as we work to highlight the incredible 90 years of Lincoln Group of DC history.
Feel free to pass along any thoughts, photos, recordings to David J. Kent at and I'll get them on the list of historical memories we will talk about this year.
And before I leave the memory topic, if any of our long-time members wants to be featured in a special Zoom-recording capturing your memories, let us know. Former LGDC President Ed Steers graced us with a few years ago, for example, and you can watch that recording on YouTube here.
We look forward to hearing from you. And be sure to register for upcoming events on our website for the great speakers we have lined up for this year.