March 16: A Conversation with U.S. Grant, with re-enactor Curt Fields.
Tue, Mar 16

Mar 16, 2021, 6:00 PM
About the Event
Dr. Curt Fields, appearing as General Ulysses Grant, will discuss the general’s relationship with Abraham Lincoln. An active living historian, Dr. Fields is the preeminent Grant reenactor and has portrayed General Grant at numerous battle reenactments including the sesquicentennials of Ft. Donelson, Shiloh and Vicksburg and at the anniversary of Lee’s surrender at Appomattox. A career educator, he taught for eight years at the junior and senior high school levels and then served 25 years as a high school administrator. He has been an adjunct college professor and now is an educational consultant. He also speaks on leadership as demonstrated and advocated by General Grant. He is the same height and body style as Grant and therefore represents a realistic portrayal of the general. His interest in portraying Grant arose from his study of the Civil War and subsequent respect and admiration for the general. He has conducted extensive research on his subject in order to deliver an accurate persona of the man in his first-person presentations.
Zoom Info:
Meeting ID: 825 0783 4064
Passcode: 792732