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Lincoln's Birthday Celebration at the Memorial

Sun, Feb 12


Lincoln Memorial

Come Celebrate President Lincoln's 214th Birthday with some of his most dedicated friends on the National Mall.

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Lincoln's Birthday Celebration at the Memorial
Lincoln's Birthday Celebration at the Memorial


Feb 12, 2023, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM EST

Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC 20037, USA


About the Event

The Lincoln Group of DC is one of the lead organizations helping to produce the National Lincoln Birthday Celebration. Every year on February 12, Lincoln themed organizations join with the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States (MOLLUS) and the National Park Service for a ceremony to honor or 16th president. The wreath from the President of the United States will the first placed by the commander of the Military District of Washington. The other represented groups will then will present commemorative wreaths which will decorate the statue chamber for the day.  There will music, tributes, and stirring speech recitations. The trooping of the National and armed services colors will be presented by the color guard of Military District of Washington. 

The annual wreath-laying Ceremony, this year commemorating the 214th anniversary of the birth of President Abraham Lincoln, is scheduled at 11:00 a.m., Sunday, February 12, 2023 at the Lincoln Memorial. The public is invited to this free event. Seating will be available on a first come basis.   

Parking near the Memorial will be difficult to find. Visitors will be responsible for their own transportation to the Memorial. You may use Uber, Lyft, taxis, carpool with other participants, or park on Ohio Drive, SW using parking meters. Metered spaces may be in short supply, so be aware. 

We recommend that you dress for cold weather.

Image credit:  Lincoln Birthday Colors by John O'Brien

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