Dorris Keeven-Franke on Archer Alexander: The Monuments Unknown Hero
Tue, Jan 18
|Online Event
Revealing the full back story on the man who portrays the freedman on the "Emancipation Memorial" statue in Lincoln Park near the U.S. Capitol Building.

Jan 18, 2022, 6:00 PM EST
Online Event
About the Event
Archer Alexander was the model for the figure of the rising freedman with Lincoln on the "Emancipation Memorial" statue in Lincoln Park (DC). Historian and Lincoln Group member Keeven-Franke has researched Alexander's extraordinary life, who, after escaping slavery and overcoming the last enforcement efforts for the Fugitive Slave Act, eventually found his way into the sculptor's classical motif vision. Dorris is the author of several books on Missouri history, a professional genealogist with over forty years of experience and a professional archivist. Her research on Archer’s story has taken her from Missouri to Virginia and Washington, DC. She is working with Alexander's descendents from whom she learned that their number includes champion boxer, Muhammad Ali. Dorris is the Executive Director of the Missouri Germans Consortium. (Photo: J. Scott Applewhite, AP, in the , July 2020). New Republic