By David J. Kent
Washington, D.C.
Saturday, November 13, 2021

Forget the Lincoln-Douglas debates. The Lincoln Group is sponsoring a Lincoln vs Lincoln "Great Debate" on December 7, 2021. We'll have the audacious Lincoln - boldly pushing radical emancipation and giving free land to settle the west and educate our future leaders. And then we'll have the cautious Lincoln - more incrementally moving forward, afraid to get too far out in front of public sentiment.
Who was the real Abraham Lincoln?
Find out, or better yet, offer your own opinions, evidences, and speculations during out December 7th event. Ed Epstein will get us started by (briefly) making the case for Lincoln as a cautious leader. Richard Margolies will counter with the argument for Lincoln as a man of audacity. And then it is up to you - Lincoln Group of DC members and guests are encouraged to participate. What are your views? Did Lincoln boldly go, or did he hesitantly follow?
More details of how the debate will work are in this earlier post.
Many Lincoln Group members will be at the Lincoln Forum in Gettysburg November 14-19, followed closely by Thanksgiving week. So December 7th will come up on us quickly. Now is the time to be thinking about whether Lincoln was audacious or cautious.
Who do you think will win? The audacious Lincoln or the cautious Lincoln?
It's up to you!
Register now for The Great Debate: Lincoln vs Lincoln on December 7th.