By Wendy Swanson
Washington, D.C.
Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Are you ready to partake in a happy hour? How about a happy hour featuring not just drinks but history! The White House Historical Association regularly presents online programs (dubbed History Happy Hours), featuring presentations on the history of the presidential residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as well as those who inhabited the mansion, presidents and first ladies alike.
An upcoming program spotlights Abraham Lincoln and Lincoln Group members.
The March 14 rendition of this series will feature Lincoln Group member Carl Adams (shown above) discussing "Lincoln's Presidency and Legacy through the Story of Nance." Adams has extensively researched Nance, an enslaved woman Lincoln helped free before he became president. Our speaker describes Nance as the first slave freed by Abraham Lincoln.
Our own David J. Kent, Lincoln Group president, will serve as guest moderator for the event. The program will be shown on Zoom at 6 p.m.
Carl’s research led to the publication of his book, NANCE: Trials of the First Slave Freed by Abraham Lincoln: A True Story of Mrs. Nance Legins-Costley, the basis for his talk. Carl’s story also shows that one never knows where a new research subject might appear. In this case, a thumbnail sketch in a free newspaper led Carl on a path to discovery.
This website ( and The Lincolnian, the Lincoln Group’s quarterly publication, a benefit of membership, have highlighted this story of Nance in the past as well as Adams’ subsequent research finds and achievements.
History Happy Hour is a biweekly virtual program hosted by the White House Historical Association. Experts discuss historical topics, provide insights, answer questions, and enjoy presidential-inspired libations; drink recipes are routinely furnished for one’s mixing pleasure. To learn about (and register for) upcoming programs—and to see what you may have already missed in the past) —sign up for the events here. Registrants are able to submit questions for discussion in advance of programs.
(Photo credit: Carl Adams)