By Wendy Swanson via Lincolnian
Washington D.C.
March 4, 2021
From the Lincoln Group Archives

Lincoln Group members and friends celebrate the anniversary of Lincoln's Second Inaugural
And what a day it was! On March 7, 2015, the Lincoln Group of DC sponsored not one, not two but three events to commemorate the second inaugural of Abraham Lincoln. The first event took place at the Lincoln Memorial where the Lincoln Group worked with the National Park Service to sponsor a morning program. Chuck Todd, moderator of Meet the Press and former chief White House correspondent for NBC News, delivered the ceremony’s keynote address, reflecting on the political climate in the United States at the time of the inauguration. The program also included a recreation of Abraham Lincoln delivering his Second Inaugural Address and the administration of the oath of office by Chief Justice of the United States Salmon P. Chase. The photo shown above captures Lincoln Group members (including the Lincolns) at this event. That afternoon a banquet and commemorative program took place at the Willard Hotel. Throughout the day’s festivities, attendees had the opportunity to reflect upon and remember the words the words Lincoln had spoken 150 years before. The day’s final event took place that evening when Bobby Horton, who also performed at both the Memorial and the Willard, gave Lincoln-lovers a fitting finale to the day, a musical review of Lincoln-era music.